At Special Em’s Education Center, we are not erasing differences, we strive to improve the lives of our children in special ways

There needs to be a lot of emphasis on what children can do instead of what they cannot do

We work with parents and highly qualified and credentialed special rights experts to enhance the potential of each child through effective learning strategies

Special Em’s Education Center (SEEC) provides carefully planned programs for special rights children including Early Intervention Program, Preschool Program, Life skills and Enrichment Program.

Special Em’s Education Center (SEEC) becomes Vietnam’s first Certified Autism Center™. The credential, granted by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES), validates center’s commitment to providing better support and enhancing learning outcomes for autistic students.

Early Intervention
The Early Intervention Program at Special Em’s Education Center is designed for children up to 6 years of age with special needs to stimulate and maximize development in their growth as well as facilitate and prepare...

Extracurricular program
Extracurricular activities at Special Em’s Education Center are held every weekend (Saturday and Sunday) on the playground where special rights children can combine play with the development of...
the Information Form
Review of application
& creation of an I.E.P

10 tips for families when travelling with special child

Special Em’s Education Group (SEEG) has officially signed an agreement with the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)

Special Em’s Education Group (SEEG) has officially signed an agreement with the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)